Mom Life

Back to School Traditions

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Can you believe summer is almost over!? It’s been an interesting summer for us. We started off with a bang. I purchased season passes to several place in the DFW area and planned lots of activities. We went on an amazing trip to Chicago and Toronto and made some awesome memories. Read all about it here. We were having a blast together! Unfortunately, midway through our summer work got crazy. I took on another client, one of my offices had a change in staff, and another switched their software. I love a good challenge but in the middle of summer with my kids home was not ideal. Some how we managed it and come Wednesday the boys will both be back in school. I’m going to miss having them home but I’m ready to have our school routine back. Today I thought it would be fun to share our back to school traditions.

The stand in front of the door with a sign tradition 🙂 This sign has the first day of on one side and last day of on the other. You get a total of 16 signs in this deck starting from preschool all the way to college. It’s an 8×10 sign that I place in this plain white frame. I personalized it with my child’s name, age, and the first day of school date with an app called Phonto. These signs have made this tradition so much easier. No messing with a chalkboard and trying to use your best handwriting. I highly recommend these!

A tradition I started last year is to take a picture of the boys in front of our door and the following year take that picture frame it and have them hold it and take another picture. I plan on doing this every year. Next year these pictures will be framed, and another photo will be taken, and we will continue on for as long as they will let me take pictures of them 😉 I used the same white frame for this as I did for the signs which of course fell off the mantel today and is now in two pieces. I found this one to replace it.

Last year with my oldest I started the tradition of doing a first day of school questionnaire. I searched Pinterest and found one I liked, printed it in color, and filled it out with my son the night before the first day of school. These questionnaires usually have questions like age, height, weight, favorites, what do you want to be when you grow up, etc. This year I decided to hunt for something else. I didn’t like the idea of having a bunch of loose paper floating around and trying to remember where I had put the previous years. I found these excellent memory books.

These memory books start at preschool and go all the way up to 12th grade. Each page is also a pocket which allows you to store other mementos such as artwork or writing samples. The questions for each grade level vary and are age appropriate. There are spots to add pictures as well. It has a hardcover and as you can see is a spiraled book. It definitely looks and feels like it will hold up nicely over the years. I can’t wait to start filling these up with memories!

What are some traditions you do with your kids for the first day of school? Let us know in the comments down below. I would love to hear them and get new ideas!

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