Confessions of a WAHM
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I’m a work at home mom. I have two little boys, ages 6 and 4. This is the first summer I’ve had them home where naps are pretty much nonexistent. I’ve been working from home since before I had the boys. This is my normal.
I’m sure many of you think working from home is all glitz and glamour. It’s not. Don’t get me wrong I feel beyond blessed for several reasons but working from home with kids is not all rainbows and unicorns. Let me give you a rundown of my day…
Wake up and make sure the kids get breakfast.
Wash dishes and tidy up.
Attempt (key word here) to regulate their screen time while trying to make some phone calls.
Actually washing my face and brushing my teeth (any day this happens is a win).
Get them ready for swim class. Make myself a smoothie to drink while running out the door. I take the 30 minutes I have during swim class to pay bills.
Rush home to get them showered and dressed all while trying to make myself look halfway decent so to attend a holy day event.
Have a proud mom moment at the event. The kids actually sat quietly throughout the whole program.
Kids fall asleep on the drive home. I start thinking to myself, this is great now I’ll have at least an hour to myself. Nope! My oldest wakes up as we put him down in his bed and is now asking for one of us to sleep with him.
I lay with him for an hour. Did he go back to sleep… nope! He’s now hungry.
I go to wake his brother because they have martial arts in 30 minutes. I get them dressed for that and end up having to throw their food into a bowl to eat in the car because my children eat like sloths. If I were to get a $1 for every time I had to say, eat your food during a meal I would be a millionaire!
My husband takes the kids to martial arts.
I make a run to the grocery store. Get back in time to put the groceries away and get dinner ready because the kids will come home and raid the pantry if there is no food prepared.
We have the same eat your food battle at the dinner table. Then there is after dinner clean up.
I should mention that I have a fantastic husband that has taken over the bedtime routine with the kids during the summer so that I can get a head start on work.
This is about the time where every other parent gets to catch up on housework and/or relax. Not this mama. I go to my office only to find that my computer wants to give me a hard time and is also working at sloth speed. I attempt to be patient and check emails in between the frozen screens. I finally give up.
I go downstairs and decide to prep the chicken breasts I bought from the grocery store for the freezer. I like to cut up the chicken into chunks to make defrosting and cooking easier. I despise this task. It is so disgusting! Not going to lie, I contemplated vegetarianism numerous times throughout the process. About an hour later I give work another go.
It is now 9:30pm. I’m chugging along, but it feels like it’s never-ending. It’s 11:30. I’m still not done. I’m starting to feel angry, tired, and frustrated. I stop what I’m doing and begin to write. As I type the words on the screen I try to remind myself how lucky I am but after a day like today and it being as late as it is, it’s hard.
I’m going to go try to finish up with work and come back with my final thoughts.
It’s 12:35 am, and I’m finally logging off of work. The day is done, and I’ve had barely any time to myself. It is hard y’all. I’d love to be able to finish writing and edit this post, work on this site, or read a book. But the bed is calling my name.
It’s the next day, and I could probably write up another crazy post of all the madness we’ve endured today. I’ll just mention, I started the day mopping up an overflowing toilet full of crap. Yup! I had to take a breathe more times than I can count.
This is how most of my summer days have been going, and this is just the day to day routine. I haven’t even touched on all the other stresses that we face in life. Work, worrying if you’re doing enough for your kids, family drama, finances, maintaining a social life, etc. It’s been insane, to say the least, and all I keep trying to tell myself is embrace the chaos. These days are short.
Could I put my kids into a summer program and get my days back to get work done? Totally. Do I really have to work? Probably not. But this is the way I choose to live my life. Do I question my life choices daily? Absolutely! Haha!!
I decided to write this post not only because it’s therapeutic for me but as a reminder that if you are struggling to balance life, you are not alone. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle. Nobody’s life is perfect. There will always be some kind of challenge. Without these challenges, would we ever really grow?
As always thank you for stopping by and reading. Don’t forget to subscribe before you leave.
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Lindsay K
July 11, 2018 at 6:51 pmI admire all you do. I am single and no kids because I am selfish and would feel like I couldn’t do what I wanted each day. Thanks for reminding us we are all human!
July 11, 2018 at 7:07 pmYou’re too kind! 💓