Life Lately

Life Lately I.II

This post contains commissionable links.

Hey, hey friends! May is always so crazy with all the end of year festivities but I’m so glad it’s officially summer break! I always really enjoy the summer with my boys. Even though I feel like we’ve entered the stage where they’re doing all the planning and I’m just the driver lol!! Still wouldn’t have it any other way.

The boys finished out the school year with a bang! The oldest completed the year with A/B Honor Roll and busted his behind to score that A Honor the last nine weeks! He was also student of the month in April. He participated in the school play behind the scenes as the spotlight operator. It was so fun to watch him come into his own this year. My youngest finished out the year with A/B Honor Roll and received the Terrific Techie award. He learned to adjust in a classroom with none of his friends and made some amazing new friends.

I know I’ll blink and summer will be over so really going to soak up these few weeks with them. We’ve got a trip planned that I can’t wait to share with you and hoping to get one more on the books!

Do you have any special summer plans? I’d love to chat with you in the comments below! Let’s jump into all the current sales and recent finds.





Neck fans, a summer must have. Comes in several colors.
If AirPods don't stay in your ears these are a great alternative. Connects to your iPhone the same and has all the same features. Fabulous sound as well!


I’m about half way through this book and completely hooked. As I mentioned in my last post my youngest started this series and I decided to join him. I’m excited to finish so we can start discussing it!

I finished the audiobook I was listening to, ADHD is Awesome, since my last post and found this book so incredibly insightful. I highly recommend it to anyone with ADHD or a has a loved one with it.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading. Please take a moment to like and share this post if you found it helpful. I also hope you’ll consider subscribing before you leave. Don’t forget to look for me on Instagram @lifebynoosha.

Until next time be happy, be kind, be you!

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