
Thanksgiving Makeup Looks

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Hello hello! Does anyone else feel like we blinked and the fall break was over? It flew by for us. The term time flies when you’re having fun certainly applies here. We spent quality time as a family of four and was also able to spend time with extended family in small groups. It was perfection! Your girl managed to put makeup on for almost three days in a row. I know! I can’t believe it either! 😉 In today’s post, I’m going to share my three Thanksgiving weekend makeup looks and links to all the products I used for each look. Also, I managed to use different products for each of these looks.

Finally, I want to know which look is your favorite—comment below 1, 2, or 3. I’ll share my favorite at the end. 😊 Also, I’ll give you three guesses as to which day I forgot to use waterproof mascara. 😬 If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know what I’m talking about. 😆

Thanksgiving Day

thanksgiving makeup looks

Friday Girls Night Out

thanksgiving makeup looks

Sunday Family Time

thanksgiving makeup looks

I hope you found all these Thanksgiving makeup looks inspiring and maybe even found a new product you’d like to try. Also, if you follow my daily shenanigans on Instagram stories, you saw that after almost three days of back-to-back makeup, my skin was not very happy with me. As a result, I had a little pimple make its presence known on my forehead. But these acne patches dry the little suckers up in no time!

I told you I’d share my favorite of the three looks, and I’d have to say my favorite is the last one. I’m in love with the lip color, and it’s affordable too! Above all, I want to know which look is your favorite comment below. If any of these looks inspire you, I’d love to see what you come up with. Please tag me on any social media platform. You can find me at @lifebynoosha.

As always, thank you so much for stopping by and reading! Please also take a moment to like and share this post if you enjoyed it, and I hope you’ll consider subscribing before you leave.

Until next time be happy, be kind, be you!

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