
Book Review: The Joy of Missing Out by Tonya Dalton

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The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less by Tonya Dalton
Goodreads Score 4.83 | 167 Ratings | 146 Reviews


Productivity expert and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co. Tonya Dalton challenges women to rethink “busy” and intentionally live with a mindset of abundance

Overwhelmed. Too many women are swamped and exhausted by all they strive to do, ending most days feeling unsatisfied and unsuccessful. Tonya Dalton, productivity expert and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., offers these women a liberating shift in perspective: feeling overwhelmed isn’t the result of having too much to do–it’s from not knowing where to start.

In her highly anticipated first book, Dalton inspires women to reject the pressure to do more, be more, and achieve more. She shows them how to focus on what’s important to them and then helps them develop their own unique productivity systems. Through her proven liveWELL Method, Dalton provides actionable strategies with relevant exercises that help women to discover their purpose, clarify their priorities, simplify their lives, and finally achieve harmony by embracing the “unbalance” that is inherent in their lives. As a result, women discover they can finally live guilt-free, abundant lives–because living a life centered around their priorities results in more satisfaction and success, both at work and at home.

My Thoughts

When I first heard about this book, I had a gut feeling it would be jammed pack with tangible tools on how to re-prioritize your life. Boy was that gut feeling on point! I loved this book and will be referring back to it often.

The book is broken down into four sections, Pursue Discovery, Find Clarity, Create Simplicity, and Achieve Harmony. Section one and four resonated with me the most.

The story of Elaina and Davis turned me into a blubbering mess. Tonya shares that Davis, Elaina’s son, is an extraordinarily bright and creative child, but he struggles at school. The teachers all had the same things to say; he doesn’t apply himself, can’t sit still, is disruptive, etc. Tonya goes on to share how Elania kept wondering “Why me?” and was blaming herself. Elania spent days reflecting, and this is what she realized:

“her situation wasn’t a punishment. She realized Davis didn’t happen to her; she happened to Davis. She was a gift given to him—he was lucky to have a mom who wasn’t willing to give up on him.”

Cue the waterworks! I have two very bright boys with a LOT of energy, and being their mom is the hardest and best job I’ve ever had to do. I’ll never forget the story of Elania and Davis. I’m so grateful for books like this one that gives me perspective and reminds me I’m not the only one feeling the way I do all while giving me the tools to help figure it out.

Elania and Davis’ story is the tiniest example of the fantastic content in this book. There is so much helpful information well organized in a way that is easy to follow. While reading it, you’ll feel like your best friend is sitting next to you, holding your hand and telling you everything will be ok. I highly recommend this book! Also, I love the beautiful quote card looking pages sprinkled throughout the book. Great reminders!

The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less by Tonya Dalton is out today, October 1st! Available in hardback, ebook, and audio. I have a thing for listening to these types of books on audio and will most likely be listening to this book as well 🙂 Don’t forget…

“Nobody in the history of the universe ever accomplished great things by trying to do everything”

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Until next time be happy, be kind, be you!

Advance reader’s copy of The Joy of Missing Out sent courtesy of Harper Collins

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